Like me, so many of you would also be working from home (WFH) during this pandemic crisis. It's hard to do team bonding activities while working remotely but on the contrary team activities are more important in this virtual work environment, when compared to working out of office.
In this effort for team bonding during this prolonged WFH, we regularly host various virtual engagement events to bring the team together. My colleague, Ashwathi recently hosted one such event named: 'BUCKET LIST'.
During this event, each team member's took turn to share their 3 bucket list items.
The event started off on a formal note and with customary greetings. Initial few speakers were guarded and formal but as the event proceeded inspite we being adults and working professionals all started to shed their inhibitions and were expressing their bucket lists with emotions, feelings and authenticity.
I felt it as a deep humane experience, seeing my team members expressing their wishes which they have secretly harboured in their hearts. "May your bucket list come true" wishes for one another, created a bubble of Ubuntu.
Outwardly we all have so many layers of formalities, positions, decorum but deep within we are just human, so similar to each other. We keep postponing our wish-list because other practicalities of life take precedence and we put our bucket list in a closet, to visit later. Generally for most of us the sum total of our Bucket List is the little done, the vast undone. Combo of happy memories and sighs!
Post the Bucket List Team Event, I was exploring online on this topic and I came across a TedxTalk on Bucket List: 6 Steps to crossing anything off your bucket list by Ben Nemtin.
Ben Nemtin, gives 6 practical tips on how to tick off the Bucket List:
1. What's important?
Ask yourself what is important to you in your life. Take a pause in your life to reflect upon and make a list of what's important for you.
2. Write your list down?
Write down your dream, write down your idea on a piece of paper. Writing it down converts the intangible form into a tangible form. Convert your dreams into a project. Dream remains a dream, but a Project has step by step process which takes us to our milestone.
3. Talk about your list.
Talk about your bucket list. If you don't talk about your bucket list, no one will get to know. Surprisingly help can spring up from even the most unexpected quarters, so it's important to talk about your bucket list.
4. Be persistent.
You will hear more NO than Yes, but no does not mean 'never' it usually means 'not now'. Most of the dreams and not get accomplished because people give up. So be persistent and don't give up too soon.
5. Be audacious.
Don't over-estimate the competition and don't under-estimate yourself. Be audacious to set unrealistic goals and back it up with relentless hard work.
6. Help other people
Happiness is only real when it is shared. Be helpful by nature and help without expectations. When people see you helping others, there are chances you too will receive help.
So dream big, be audacious, write down your bucket list, talk about it, be persistent and help others in their journey. Wishing you all the very best in our life! May your bucket list come true!
- 6 Steps to crossing anything off your bucket list by Ben Nemtin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6Y7mfxEaco
- Ben Nemtin's website https://www.bennemtin.com/